Tokyo Driver Caress

Project: Tokyo Driver Caress (11’:32”), short film
Year: 2004
Commissioned by: hoogt4, by film theater ‘t Hoogt, Utrecht, Netherlands
A project by: Stef & Selene • in cooperation with Stijn van Santen

driver: Taisuke Higuchi • girl: Rumiko Sugai • camera: Stijn van Santen • sound: episode • Tokyo coordination: Reiko Yuyama • Tokyo production: Ryohei Kikuchi • Tokyo crew: Akira Higozozo, Erika Endo, Kazhiro Watanabe, Mutoshiho, Takao Nogawa, Tak Senda

– Rencontres Internationales Paris / Berlin 2005, Cinema L’Entrepot, Paris (Nov 2005)
– Open Dutch, De Balie, Amsterdam (Apr 2005)
– Transmediale.05, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (Feb 2005)
– International Bunker Film Festival, Ventimiglia (Jul 2004)
– 50% beeld, Netherlands Media Art Institute Montevideo/Time Based Arts, Amsterdam (Jun 2004)
– Cinematiek, Lazy Marie, Utrecht (Feb 2004)
– ‘t Hoogt, Utrecht (Mar 2004)

Caress was an umbrella project that conducted research and published (online) a documentary on Japan’s automotive telematics, a short film and a product proposal. Central in Caress is an emerging industry of personal location identification combined with automotive leisure.


Project: Caress
Year: 2002
Commissioned by: Artist in Residency, Netherlands Media Art Institute Montevideo, Amsterdam
A study & concept proposal responding to an exploding industry of personal location identification and automotive leisure
Role: research, concept, project management




Prins Berhand Cultuurfonds, Fonds BKVB
we thank: Montevideo Time Based Arts, ‘t Hoogt, Valkieser